TimberNorth Consulting distributes and supports FPInnovations' FPSuite* monitoring tools for Alberta and British Columbia.
FPInnovations develops leading-edge technologies to help companies optimize resource usage, improve performance and reduce operating costs. FPSuite is an integrated package of software and electronic tools we can offer to help you manage and control your operations while striving for continuous improvement and cost reductions. Through the FPSuite platform we have three modules (FPDat*, FPTrak* and FPCom*) to enhance many aspects of your operations. These modules can be used independently, in conjunction with other data streams or all together in an inclusive process control platform. While the platform was initially designed for forestry operations, the systems are well suited for any operation where equipment is being utilized - such as oil & gas exploration, mining and utilities.
This system can be used in conjunction with the MultiDAT** datalogger. Our technicians can install the dataloggers, upload information and follow up with any troubleshooting or technical assistance.
TimberNorth can also outfit you with all your SPOT*** communication and tracking needs. A SPOT Satellite Messenger uses GPS satellites to provide your real time location to a specified person or department at work. They are excellent devices as a safety or tracking mechanism.
* is a Trademark of FPInnovations
** is a Trademark of Castonguay
*** is a Trademark of SPOT LLC