TimberNorth Consulting offers many services to enhance your sand and gravel business. Our field and planning staff have varied experience in all aspects of sand & gravel:

Gravel operators have a legal obligation to submit and follow an environmentally assessed operating plan depending on the size and longevity of the disposition they wish to apply for. The Conservation and Reclamation Business Plan is a detailed report that describes the project (overview), regulations and policies, environmental effects, reclamation plan, and site management plan. In addition to the written portion of the report, cross section diagrams of the existing and reclaimed conditions are drafted as well as drawings showing the operating conditions, reclamation conditions and a development sequence plan.
A large percentage of Alberta's land base is public land. Alberta operates under an integrated resource management system to achieve the environmental, economic and social outcomes required for responsible resource development. TimberNorth Consulting can help you determine what type of disposition best suits your management goals and keep you informed of the legislation required to properly operate on the lands under disposition.
Lands are used by many different groups and for diverse purposes. In order to maintain a positive relationship as well as meet the criteria set out by the government, TimberNorth can guide you through the consultation process with Aboriginal groups where necessary.
Proper exploration of a potential aggregate site can dictate the future of that site. We have qualified professionals that can accompany you to your SME and collect, interpret and analyze the data found on site. A broad range of field search and measurement activities are used to gather information about the location, size, quality, type and nature of a sand & gravel deposit. The purpose of this exploration is to establish whether the deposit is suitable for development. We have experienced employees that can accompany you on your exploration and collect and compile the data for you so you can assess the site for operability.